Safety. Alerts. For. Education.
S.A.F.E. creates a safer school environment for students and faculty by providing the ability to simultaneously notify anyone in the impacted area with hyperlocal emergency alerts and real-time crisis communications.
How S.A.F.E. Works
Our mission is to eliminate or reduce casualties in active shooter or life-threatening incidents. A few seconds of warning can be the difference between life and death.
1. For U.S. Schools
Any U.S. school can sign up today and start sending alerts to their students and faculty. Communication within your school is key to keeping everyone safe.
2. Easy to Deploy
3. Mobile Solution
Product Features
Custom Alerts
Customize your alerts with 32 characters in the title and up to 2,000 characters in the body.
Images and Video
Attach images and video to each alert.
Anonymous Tips
Each alert can give the app user the ability to anonymously respond to the alert with information or questions.
Information Page
Design an information page to include with your alert that has unlimited text, images, and video.
Location-Based Alerts
Alerts are delivered based on your current location making alerts timely and relevant.
Social Sharing
Critical information can be shared quickly. App users can share the alert to their personal Facebook and Twitter, or through email and text.